
Category : Blog

Dark ambient industrial act in Korez Theatre – music video

The concert, entitled Lucid Dreams, has its place almost 4 years ago, in 28.04.2012, at Korez Theatre, Katowice. The guests have listened to Hoarfrost, Dead Factory and Maciej Szymczuk, representatives of Polish dark ambient, industrial and experimental electronic scene. We are presenting You a piece of the Hoarfrost’s concert to come near the atmosphere of the event. It is worth to remind, that it was a first concert Hoarfrost with vocalist Hekte Zaren, who You could hear soon on the new album of Hoarfrost „Anima Mundi”. We glad to inform You, that work on music and project of the cover is already finished and we will let You know about the date of the premiere soon. In the meantime, we encourage to dig deep into dark ambient world, created by Hoarfrost and Hekte Zaren.

The new Hoarfrost’s album soon, new merchandise out now

The new album „Anima Mundi”, dedicated to great artist Amellia, is coming. The album is co-created by many special guests, representing different music generes. More informations about it we reveal soon.
Waiting for new album, remember, that there are still some merchandise to buy in Alchembria.pl The news are longsleeves in two colours: black and grey.

Arbeit – Budowle Socjalizmu Nasza Duma – SOLD OUT !!!

It’s pleased to inform all the Arbeit’s well-wishers that edition of album Budowle socjalizmu nasza duma is already sold. Thank You for Your support and hope You enjoy socialist electro-lullabies to the best of our abilities. For everybody, who hasn’t heard yet – the video to track Fabryka:

Arbeit in Dark Planet magazine (PL)

Budowle Socjalizmu Nasza DumaDark Planet magazine (PL) published the review of Arbeit’s album Budowle Socjalizmu Nasza Duma [click]





Hoarfrost’s merchandise out now in Alchembria.pl

hoarfrost - merchandise - alchembriaHoarfrost’s merchandise is available now in Alchembria.pl  T-shirts, bags and cups with Hoarfrost’s logo are made by Zoharum – new experimental art.




Refracted in Illusions – new video is coming soon

Hoarfrost - Refracted in IllusionsHoarfrost is working on new album Anima Mundi. The video to one of the track, Refracted in Illusions is just created by Jarek Jaras. Screen shots form movie set. Starring Paulina Mieczkowska HERE