
Category : Blog

FORT LYCK Magazine(PL) published the review

FORT LYCK Magazine(PL) published the review of albums Last Message Unknown (Live in Enniskillen) [click]

MROCZNA STREFA Magazine (PL) published the review

MROCZNA STREFA Magazine (PL) published the review of albums Last Message Unknown (Live in Enniskillen) [click]

CHAIN D.L.K. Magazine(ENG) published the review

CHAIN D.L.K. Magazine(ENG) published the review of albums Last Message Unknown (Live in Enniskillen) [click]

„Puppets of the Divine Coroner”

Zoharum has started to accept preorders for the new Hoarfrost’s album entitled „Puppets of the Divine Coroner”. The premiere of 46-minutes CD is planned on 13.12.2011. The album is composed from 6 tracks, enriched by vocals of Hekte Zaren, and a videoclip. Watch the trailer: HERE Order the album: HERE

MROCZNA STREFA MAGAZINE (PL) published intereview

MROCZNA STREFA MAGAZINE (PL) published intereview with HOARFROST [click]

ROSE SELVAGGIA MAGAZINE(ITA) published the review

ROSE SELVAGGIA MAGAZINE(ITA) published the review of albums Last Message Unknown (Live in Enniskillen) [click]